The other day, my 4 year old sister came to my house, and as I observed the way she connected with people she just met, I was amazed! At how easy relationships were for her, at how she could just play colors with a kid for 15 minutes, and walk away being best friends.
Does the heart freeze after a certain age ? Do we lose our ability to connect, trust and have intimate relationships ? To begin with....what does intimacy mean? For some it is 'a wordless understanding'. The ability to sit quietly without having to explain or talk; a comfortable silence, where a twitch of a facial muscle or a raised eyebrow will speak volumes. It is 'the freedom to be, sans the fear of being judged.'
Why do we dry up with age - what happens to our ability to lose ourselves to the wind, to go ona roller coaster ride, to sing and dance ? A deep dive into one's own heart reveals such treasures, yet we sit at the edge and paddle our feet. Why not jump ?
This might hurt but sometimes people don't get close to anyone because of their own fears, which are often unfounded. Believe that the world is good, and you'll get goodness. If all your life you have been told to 'watch out for cheats', you may also lose the treasure. The world is largely good. People usually care and want to love. Accept it. If you wear armor all the time, you will attract an arrow, not a hug! Once in a while, it is worth taking off your spectacles to see just how tinted they are.
It is rare that we can go through life without heartbreak. Relationships change. Sometimes they evolve into something else, and sometimes they just dissolve.
The 'slings and arrows' of life pierce through the toughest armour at some point in life. The question at hand is - is that reason enough to stop loving ?
The secret in life is to learn to weather the storms. To know that the ocean has it's gems even as it has it's share of sharks. The drops of ecstasy are for those who are ready to let go of their umbrellas!
Need inspiration? Swing really high until it feels like you can touch the sky, then as the wind plays with your hair, slowly close you eyes and swing yourself your favorite song.
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