Thursday, April 22, 2010

Everything is not as it seems

I am 15 years, and 86 days old today, and I feel as though I can see through people better, understand why they do certain things, and hide others. But, at the same time, I feel as though I know nothing and nobody at all!
We've all been shaped through different experiences and the choices that we've made and it is impossible to know all that just by looking at a person! Hell, even a lifetime is not enough to know every single detail of a person's life!
Yet, we are so quick to make judgements about people and their lives, based on their looks or the people they hang out with or the clothes they wear or the way they chat in the virtual world. Most of the time, unconsciously, but we ARE making these judgements all the time.
The sad part is that, so many times, these judgements or 'assumptions' hinder our experience of dicovering the other person, to really get to know them, to form intimate relationships.
I realize that the more people I meet, the better I get to know them, the more I have yet to learn about them. I find that my parents, my siblings and my bestest friends-continue to suprise me every now and then!
Who would've thought that the cute little girl over there could get mean and bitchy ? that the guy who is for justifiable reasons, a total pervert, actually is a lot more sensitive than he lets on ? that the guy who acts tough, and is swearing all the time, cries over marks ? that the girl everyone thinks has a perfect life, has more drama than one could imagine ? and that the girl who actually does have a perfect life, would to anything to spice up things a bit ?
Who would've thought that there are people out there willing to listen to all the stories that they've got to tell ?

So many times, without even realizing, we portray ouselves as people we are not! And so many more times, that image is NOT good!
I like to think of people as mysteries! There is just so much you don't know, that you have to discover. So, the next time, you are going to judge somebody, stop ask yourself, 'What is it that would make a person do this' ?


  1. i think this is one of the best stuff i cud hav read...u'r so specific yet vague...i can reali relate to it yaar...

  2. sooo true n plain yet we never think that way!!
    it's really nice!

  3. snigggyyyyyyyyyy OMG its awesome!!
    i couldn't agree more.... we may say that we dont believe in first impressions, or the way a person dresses up, or his/her clothes BUT our minds are always assessing a person by these things whether we admit it or not....
    there are always different facets of a person and the mind fails to see them all in the first meeting.... circumstances do shape us in ways we may not even realise. time is all we need to get to know a person better and there is something commendable about every creation of god..
    sniggy, its amazingg!
