Thursday, October 26, 2017

Winter's invite

An aging night
breathes its last
Gives way to a weekday morning
The doorbell rings.
On the porch,
a parch white envelope sleeps
The last of Autumn
addressed to me
Winter's early invitation.
That decorous lady,
the perfect host
In keeping with my ways,
she sends along
a hint of mist,
the touch of chill
year after year
everyday until I'm ready;
Wrapping around me,
pulling my sullen moods
off all the hangers in the house

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Apathy comes

Apathy comes in twin ponytails,
irony in her little bounce
She comes wearing a red dress
Out for a stroll, she captivates
A sight for sore eyes, a warning
The clouds turn grey
in vindication of her mood
Cold drizzle.
She parts her lips,
drowning out the soft song
that makes the backdrop,
the only substantial magic
in this frail human life
She takes my hand, firmly
all beauty falling into disarray
She pulls me into her embrace
and it is more than my belief can bear

Friday, February 17, 2017

Notes to the insomniac

When you're up at 4am yet again and you feel like life is in shambles and that you'll never be able to pull the pieces together, remind yourself that routine is over rated. Tell yourself you don't conform, and if post midnight is your time to reign, so be it. Don't fall apart because you can't fall asleep; you're too inspired by what you just read or watched or because you can't stop playing a song on repeat. You're anxious and a little high strung and very fidgety but you're also at your most creative, emotionally transformative self. Write yourself a tutorial on how to glow; don't fret about the murdered naps. Tell yourself you're an artist, a philosopher, a thinker and maybe your best ideas come out of your most vulnerable self, out of the spiting darkness. Have a little faith, and a little more courage because what is breathing if not the thin string of connection to this world. Tell yourself that you don't need to feel safe and believe it; who has ever conquered the world from behind gates? Find your own version of normal; resist the temptation to reprimand yourself. Remember that you're at war and it's your time to tear off the bandages.