We're all generally warned to be wary of people and that there's a whole lot of 'bad' out there in the world. It's a place to be scared of , and to think and test multiple times, before allowing yourself to let go and trust. What they forget to mention however, is that, even with all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. There are no 'right' or 'wrong' people, just right or wrong actions. People aren't 'bad', circumstances make them so.
We're told to exercise caution in business affairs, because it's a world full of trickery. But they forget to add to not let this blind us to what virtue there is, that there are people who strive for high ideals, and everywhere, life is full of heroism.
Why aren't we ever told to just be ourselves, to not feign affection, neither be cynical about love. For it is lived, and changes definitions everyday, every look, every smile, every glance, every sunrise, every sunset, every action, every inaction, every understanding that takes place, every touch, and every moment that means anything at all. In the face of all disenchantment, it is perennial.
It is considered to be 'naive' to be emotional, and 'foolish' to go on impulse or gut feeling in the face of logic. But the fact that our emotions are actually our built in guidance system, a guidance system that tells us whether we are creating our life in a positive or negative way, is overlooked. Our emotional response to anything says much more about us, our values and our beliefs.
We aren't told of the many fears that are born out of a tired mind, a vexatious spirit and the loneliness that we subject ourselves to, and because we distress ourselves with dark imaginings. Very few of us have nurtured the strength of spirit to shield us in sudden misfortune.
Whatever our labors and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, they are important and deserve our best efforts, and so we have to keep peace in our soul.
Because whether or not it is clear to us, there is no doubt that the universe IS unfolding as it should.