'Oh, I had a lot to say
was thinking on my time away
everything inside, it never comes out right
and we get older and blame turns to shame'
Is it ever too late to say sorry?
Is it ever too late to make it right?
Is it alright to be the reason for someone Else's pain?
Life moves on. True. Does the heart move on? Yes it does.
But it leaves behind a hole, a dented conscience, a misfit piece, a broken promise,
something that was not set right.
Can you ever truly 'move on', as we call it, knowing that you did not even try to correct the wrong you have done?
When you stand in front of the mirror, don't your mistakes, standing in between, disable you to see what you are capable of being?
It is a great thing to be proud. You should be.
You should hold your pretty head high and keep those dazzling eyes of yours forward.
But not so much that you can't hang your head low and say you're sorry with a tear in your eye when you should.
People throw around the word like it's nothing, but it's amazing, the power it holds when it comes from the heart.
It's about more than just mouthing a few syllables. It's about introspection, it's about recognizing the harm you have caused, and having profound regret and sorrow for it.
Ten minutes later, or ten years, the cycle has to be completed. What goes around has to come back around.
Guilt, or regret, is a heavy weight to carry around. Pins you down and makes it harder to breathe.
An honest apology can mend relationships, dissolve anger, soothe shattered pride or mend a broken heart.
I'm sorry for the wrong things I have done.
And solace is finally mine, and yours, I say.