She didn't remember much about that night, only very specific things. She remembered him slowly creeping up behind her and letting her hair lose. (he had always said it looked better open) It was flowing everywhere because of the gentle but steady breeze blowing over the vast expanse of the moonlit land. And with every strong stroke, she could smell him. He was there somewhere, playing with her. Daring her to come find him. But whenever she turned to look, she found he haunting stillness of the trees staring back at her. A small voice at the back of her head wondered aloud, 'Why are they so still, so unmoving, death like?'
Just when the hint of confusion began to wrap her mind, she heard something that drowned out every other sense. But was it really there? Because sometimes silence turns into one single roar. As she tried to recreate that night, more questions began to build up inside her...until they turned a very uneasy feeling. Like she had missed something very important.
She expected more than he could give, she always had. And even in the moment of their separation, she was doing the same thing. Maybe it was that little part of her that was making up this dream, that she continued to have every night.
For her, there had always been a very thin line between fantasy and reality, and it was slowly beginning to fade away, dissolving into nothingness. That little part of her could not seem to differentiate between what was real and what she wanted to believe was real.
It was a battle she fought with herself. It was difficult to shut out the presence of someone she had created within her.