Is it global warming? Is it globalization? Is it galloping materialism? Is it global terrorism?
The answer can be seen clearly only when one realizes that throughout history, all civilizations have continuously distorted basic human values in order to perpetuate their power.
Why have our kinds always felt the need to dominate over others? be it another race, caste, gender or religion.
What is better dead than alive? - Conscience.
This has become the style statement for today's successful set of people.
We have evolutinized from apes to homosapiens and grown from a single cell to living, breathing, thinking beings. The quality of our inventions keeps getting better, but the content of our characters is degrading!
Religion, like humans, has evolved over time. What began as the belief in a greater energy, something truly divine, pure and spiritual, was eventually shaped into what we know today as organized religion. Divine messages and revelations have been changed and distorted over time.
Slap the word 'organized' in front of 'religion' and I'd say that it has done its fair share of destruction. Paradoxically, the very institutions that have grown to recognize god, have done the most harm.
Even the thought of infinity boggles the mind, so how can we expect to understand a consciousness as great as the one behind time, space, quantum mechanics and multi universes!
WE do it. When violence has been done in the name of religion, it's not religion itself- as a separate force in the world - that has done it. WE have done it, through religion.
Does somebody have to dictate what we believe in? Everyone has a religion - a set of beliefs that defines an understanding of life.
Maybe it's just me being cynical, but when I look around me, all I seem to see, is hypocrisies being committed in the name of religion, or young people wallowing in the trash of external appearances. And it pains me to see this happening.
There is no true civilization yet on this planet, and while we continue to respect fraudulent values, that debase humanity, there never will be.