You have butterflies in your stomach, and you know it's not because your flight is taking off. Your head is all dizzy, and as you take off, watching the whole world become smaller and smaller until it disappears all together, you feel as if you could actually FLY. That's how happy you feel.
Maybe it's because you're in LOVE, with life, with the beauty of the world, with just about everything! You feel as though, with every heart beat, you're actually LIVING IN THE MOMENT!
And yet, with a pang of irony, as you read the paper, you wonder how there could be hatred in a world so beautiful, so full of feelings. You look around and you think, if everyone knew such bliss, and remembered it, perhaps there wouldn't be any wars, perhaps people wouldn't kill each other, perhaps the world would be so much of a better place.
But even with those thoughts, lingering at the corner of your mind, you think of your own DOUBLE RAINBOW, and you remember these lines you read somewhere, and how true they stand :
Look at the rainbow when things go awry, and remember the beauty you have seen in the sky. Reflect on it's promise, and think, as you do, of the joy and the hope that are waiting for you. For rainbows are simply reminders we see, of god's endless love, for you and for me.
Status : spiritual
The little things
like drops to form an ocean
like atoms to form an element
like leaves to form a tree
like clouds to form the sky
like bricks to build a house
like love to build a home
like thoughts to create a vision
'The little things' - they give you away, and they make you.
We are all so obsessed with the big picture, that more often than not, we neglect to look at what they're made of.
Whenever I have a dream, it's not the story that stays with me when I wake up, it's the small details - a particular feeling, a strand of hair or those whispered words. Whenever I'm day dreaming, it's the small things that I find myself building upon - the view, the dress that I love, the thumping of my heart.
The vastness of the sea, the majestic height of the mountains, the never-ending sky that holds a million stars with millions of wishes upon them, they really tend to make you feel little, meaningless, don't they ?
I find my self rising, spreading, growing with them. I wonder how I can feel so small, and so all over the place at the same time ? I feel like I can turn into the wind and gently graze your cheek, or become one with the sky to watch over you. I feel we're the same, the Earth, the sky, the wind, the sea, and me.
And I believe that that is how we're meant to feel. The great things that seem to us 'great' are not supposed to make us feel small or inferior. Instead, they ought to remind us of what's inside us, what we can be, what we're meant to be.
Why do we have to contain ourselves and try to shrink ? There is nothing enlightened about that. We are born to make manifest the glory of god that is within us. To show that we are the little things in the world, that are - everything.
It is our light, not darkness, that most frightens us, We ask ourselves, 'who am I to be brilliant, talented, beautiful and gorgeous'? Actually, who are you not to be ?
Status : spirits dragging
You feel blue. grey.
You worry, what if it's not enough ?
You worry, about what's to come, if you will have the strength to stand through it.
You feel as though you're watching the whole world through a tinted screen.
People come and people go, but you're left there, stranded.
The funny thing is, nothing is even stopping you! You are perfectly capable of moving ON, discovering more. Then what is holding you back ?
you yourself.
And that is when you remember.
And that is when When someone comes along and makes you realize the reason why you have to keep going.
The reasons you know, but have forgotten.
And a poke is all that you needed.
Because, you're ready now. with your chin up, and your back straight, and a smile on your lips.